Game for Android event

The Brief

Google commissioned the creation of a new browser based game to be played on desktop and mobile. Pick up good items to refuel and avoid bad items to avoid loss of fuel. The designs were skinned inline with Google branding and the Android robot character

The Solution

We built a broswer based game using the Phaser library. As ever, we made sure it was solid and performed well across different devices of varying processing power and graphics capability. Our solution downgraded the backgrounds of the game so that on lesser devices the backgrounds became less detailed allowing the game itself to continue with no loss of performance.The for all!

The Outcome

We love making games, real, proper interactive games. So to be asked to create a game for the 10th birthday of Android was amazing! Using the classic Android character, and iconography from every major release on Android, we created something quick to pick up, slightly addictive and fun.

Game for Android event portfolio
Game for Android event portfolio
Game for Android event portfolio
Game for Android event portfolio
Game for Android event portfolio


To celebrate 10 years of the Android Operating System Gramafilm asked us to make a game for Google and the Android team.

Team Thoughts

Game for Android event portfolio Game for Android event portfolio Game for Android event portfolio